Swordtail fish Livebearers are a popular group of freshwater fish. They are hardy and easy to care for, making them a great choice...
Looking for a way to take your betta fish tank to the next level? Give live aquarium plants a try. Not only...
Gouramis are a unique freshwater fish, often known for their flat, oval-shaped bodies and whisker-like feeler fins. As a type of anabantoid...
Many beginners may not know this, but one of the easiest ways to stop your fish from getting sick is to set...
Betta fish are reputed as territorial and bad tank mates. The feistiness is, however, mostly targeted to other bettas, rather than other...
Bettas are a staple in many aquariums, mainly because of their brilliant coloring. It is called the Siamese fighting fish and has...
As a livebearer fish species, molly fish aren’t difficult to breed. In fact, mollies are so famous for their prolific breeding and...
All too often new aquarium owners have a bad first experience with their first aquarium and end up giving up almost before they get started. Considering...
High nitrate accumulation, sometimes referred to as old tank syndrome, can be a common problem for long-time aquarium hobbyists. It usually occurs when...